The 240 Best Siberian Cat Names

Cat Names March 12, 2025


The 240 Best Siberian Cat Names

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Siberian cats originated from Russia. These cats’ most distinct features are their long plush hair, large eyes, and plumed tails.

If you’re looking for a name for your Siberian cat, you’ll be happy to know that their Russian roots can be a source of great cat ideas. So is your Siberian cat’s personality, coat color, and size.

Honestly, the possibilities for finding the perfect Siberian cat names are endless.

So, do have some fun checking out our Siberian cat names, and let us know if there is one you liked.

Male Siberian Cat Names

  1. Adrian – The holy fire
  2. Adrik – Because Adrian is too common
  3. Afanasi – Because he’s immortal
  4. Afanasy – He is the cat of your dreams
  5. Albs –Your all-white Siberian cat
  6. Alexi – For your Siberian defender
  7. Alyosha – He keeps your home safe
  8. Anatole – One who brings you hope just like the sunrise
  9. Arden – For a feline who you rescued from the forest
  10. Azhur – Your shy cat
  11. Azhur– The one with the shining eyes
  12. Azik – For a fur-baby who makes people laugh
  13. Baikal – If he’s an outdoor cat
  14. Barhat – Your cat is like the brother you never had
  15. Barnes – His favorite place is in the barn.
  16. Barrington – One who has light-colored eyes
  17. Bates – Because you found him on a boat
  18. Beasley– Perfect for your veggie-loving cat
  19. Beck – He was washed up from upstream, and we rescued him
  20. Benson –If you’re named Ben, name him Benson, he’s your son
  21. Berkeley – For a cat who loves to hide in the trees
  22. Biff – The hard hitter
  23. Bimka – Because he is just lovely
  24. Blake – For your black Siberian cat
  25. Bogdan – He is your special gift from God
  26. Boris– He’s a warrior
  27. Bowie – Your Siberian feline with yellow eyes
  28. Boyce – Perfect name if you found him in the woods
  29. Buster – One who is as tough as nails
  30. Byron – If your fur-baby loves the company of cows
  31. Cadman – Your humble servant
  32. Calhoun – Bushbaby.
  33. Changa – Warrior chief
  34. Chauncey– He’s the leader of the pack
  35. Chekhov – Name him after one of the greatest playwrights in Russia
  36. Chernouh – Perfect for a cat with black perches on the ears
  37. Chernysh– A common name in Russia
  38. Cheslav – Because he’s well protected
  39. Colvin – Your Siberian puss is the source of your joy
  40. Conrad – Bold and courageous
  41. Dax – He leads other follow
  42. Dewey – Everyone loves your Siberian feline
  43. Dmitry – For your cat who is devoted to your family.
  44. Duke –Your cat who helps keep law and order
  45. Egor – Suits a Siberian feline who is an experienced hunter
  46. Elbrus – Foe a feline who never lets his guard down
  47. Elisei – God-given, he is your salvation
  48. Elvin – A true friend
  49. Ermolai – A sneaky cat
  50. Farley – Ideal name for a fearless cat
  51. Felix – For a puss who brings you good luck
  52. Forrest – For your wild cat
  53. Fyodor – He is a treasured gift
  54. Gavriil – Means God is my strength in Russia
  55. Gerasim – A honorable elderly cat
  56. Igor – A distinguished warrior
  57. Ilya – The lord is my God
  58. Innokenti – Perfect for a kind-hearted cat
  59. Isaac – For your comedian cat
  60. Isidor – Perfect, if your cat was a gift from a special person
  61. Ivan – Because my God is gracious
  62. Ivan – Russian name meaning a wonderful God
  63. Jai – Suits a cat who represents victory
  64. Jasper – A treasured feline
  65. Jax – Because your cat’s father’s name was Jack
  66. Kazimir – If you are never at peace when your feline is around
  67. Langston – Means Longstone, one who is as hard headed as a rock.
  68. Leo – A feline who is as brave as a lion
  69. Leonid – Suits your Siberian cat with a lion spirit
  70. Leonti – A go getter
  71. Leonty – The king of the jungle
  72. Lester – A Siberian cat from Leicester
  73. Loann – Another name for John
  74. Losif – God decided to give you another cat
  75. Lyosha – A strong muscular Siberian cat
  76. Lyutyi – Suits a fierce and dangerous cat
  77. Makari – He’s blessed
  78. Maksimilian – The greatest Persian cat who ever lived
  79. Mark – Your Siberian feline who fights other pets
  80. Markov – Because of his threatening eyes
  81. Max – Short for Maxwell
  82. Melvin– Your protector
  83. Mikhail – Because God has been gracious to you and your cat
  84. Moriz –Your noble cat
  85. Motya – Suits your cat who is a gift from God
  86. Mstislav – Because he is the most popular cat in the neighborhood.
  87. Nikolai – His twin brother, is called Nicholas
  88. Nikolai – If you’re thinking of naming him Nicholas, why not call him Nikolai? It sounds better
  89. Norton – For a cat who is from the northern town
  90. Ogden – Suits a cat who is from the Oak valley
  91. Ohotnik – He is your dream come true
  92. Oliver – If you found him under an Olive tree
  93. Oscar – A mighty warrior
  94. Oswald – A distinguished ruler
  95. Phineas – For your wise Siberian cat
  96. Pirs – For your feline who helps keep law and order in your home
  97. Poe – If your feline is as proud as a peacock
  98. Ponchik – Something sweet
  99. Prince – Perfect for your fur-baby with a noble cat
  100. Pyotr – He is your rock, isn’t he?
  101. Radley – Suits a cat who loves to play by the swamp
  102. Ranger – The forest protector
  103. Ridley –Perfect name for your feline who is always nibbling on grass
  104. Riley – Suits your courageous cat
  105. Sammy – God listened to your prayer and gave you your adorable feline.
  106. Sawyer-For your adventurous cat, inspired by the novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  107. Sebastian – Ideal name for an honorable cat
  108. Sergei – Your humble servant
  109. Simon – He is a keen listener
  110. Tobias – If he is the perfect sign of God’s kindness
  111. Tyler – For a Siberian feline who is a builder
  112. Venyamin – Because he is your right-hand man
  113. Viktor – My son is a victor
  114. Vladimir – A ruler of peace
  115. Yuri – Because he loves to play on the farm
  116. Yuri– A farmer’s cat.
  117. Zasha – Your fur-baby is always ready to defend you

Female Siberian Cat Names

  1. Aglaya – She’s your shining star
  2. Agnessa – A feline of pure Siberian breed
  3. Agrafena – Perfect name if she’s always on the move
  4. Aleksandrina – Because Alexandra is too common
  5. Alexandra – If she keeps other pets from your home
  6. Alina – Because she is beautiful
  7. Alyona – For your feline with an attractive brightly colored coat
  8. Anastasia – If she is adopted
  9. Anna A symbol of God’s favor
  10. Anya – Mean born again
  11. Anzhela – If you feel she is the messenger of God
  12. Anzhelika – Your Siberian cat is an angel
  13. Arisha – She is the queen on the throne
  14. Asia – If your feline survived a deadly accident or illness
  15. Audrey – From a noble background
  16. Ava – Suits your Siberian fur-baby who is full of life
  17. Babushka – She’s the mother of all your cats
  18. Barynya – She is the lady of the house
  19. Baryshnya –Give your cat this name if she is clean and decent
  20. Bella – For your pretty Siberian cat
  21. Biryuza – Great name for a Siberian cat with green-bluish eyes
  22. Callie – cute name for a beautiful cat
  23. Camellia – She is your helper
  24. Celeste – She is heaven sent
  25. Chita – This is a beautiful name for a speckled cat
  26. Claudia – For your brave feline who walks with a limp
  27. Clementine– Her eyes are full of mercy
  28. Daria – The keeper of the truth
  29. Dasha– Your precious gift
  30. Desna – The boss lady
  31. Diana – The goddess of the hunt
  32. Dominique– Your Siberian kitty, came from God
  33. Dusha– Perfect name if she is your soul
  34. Ekaterina– For a feline who is pure in heart
  35. Elena – She is a shining light
  36. Eve –One who is a living testimony
  37. Fay – Perfect name for a loyal friend
  38. Gloria – Means immortal
  39. Gracie – If your Siberian cat is a blessing
  40. Gypsy – A Siberian cat with Indian roots
  41. Harley – If your Siberian cat loves the woods
  42. Harper – Her meow is like music to your ears
  43. Haven – Suits a feline who makes you laugh when you’re lonely
  44. Heather – A flower
  45. Hope – She brought a new meaning to your life
  46. Inga – Because she is the queen of peace
  47. Irina – Peace goddess
  48. Irinei – A Greek goddess
  49. Isolde – Fair lady
  50. Ivy – For a charming cat
  51. Joy– Joy is what your kitty gives you
  52. Katerina –She is pure and beautiful
  53. Kiana – Suits your friendly and pleasant fur-baby
  54. Kimber– She is bold and brave
  55. Kir – The mistress
  56. Klara– Because your Siberian feline is famous
  57. Kristina – If she is part of your Christian family
  58. Larissa – For a feline who is from a small city
  59. Leia – Heavenly flower
  60. Lesta – For a Siberian cat who was born in England
  61. Lily– She is full of passion
  62. Lola – Your beautiful Siberian cat who is very tiny
  63. Lucy – For a Siberian cat who was born at dawn
  64. Ludmilla – She is the people’s favorite
  65. Lydia – The noble one
  66. Margarita – She is the mother of many kittens
  67. Marina – For a cat who you rescued from the sea
  68. Marina– If she loves the beach
  69. Mariya – Suits your cat who is extremely sharp and intelligent
  70. Marley – Perfect if your cat finds favor with everyone
  71. Mary – If everyone in your home loves her
  72. Maya –Suits a cat who plays tricks on you
  73. Milena – A cute name for your beloved Siberian puss
  74. Miroslava – If she is a lover of peace
  75. Misha – In the likeness of God
  76. Molniya – She is as quick as lightning
  77. Nastya –Your cat who is reborn
  78. Natalya – If she was given to you as a Christmas gift
  79. Natasha – Suits a puss who was given to you as a birthday gift
  80. Nika – Great name for an obedient fur-baby
  81. Nina – My little girl
  82. Odessa – If your puss bites and no one dares to make her angry
  83. Oka – Because she has a tall and slender body
  84. Oksana – She’s just stunning.
  85. Olenka – Suits a mischievous puss who acts like the holiest pet
  86. Olesya – Means the holy one
  87. Olga– If you are all blessed to have her
  88. Paige – She is your personal assistant
  89. Paulina– The youngest cat in your home
  90. Piper – She loves it when you play some music
  91. Rada – She is always happy
  92. Regina – She is stylish and the queen of the prom
  93. Sasha – She is your front door guard
  94. Vova – Name her after a famous ruler

Unisex Siberian Cat Names

  1. Gleb- Son or daughter of God
  2. Gregory- Suits a feline who is always alert
  3. Grigori- The night watch guard
  4. Jalen- The healer of all sorrows
  5. Jazz- Your cat is as soothing as jazz music
  6. Kolya- If your feline is a born winner
  7. Konstantin- Suits your puss with a steadfast gaze
  8. Kuzma- A feline who brings harmony to your home
  9. Mill- Name your cat Mill, a short form of Milton
  10. Mishka- This is for a cat who has smooth white fur like a bear
  11. Nadia- If your feline was a source of hope in times of a pandemic
  12. Nikola- Suits a Siberian cat who represents victory
  13. Palmer- A holy traveler, for a cat who loves adventure
  14. Pasha- Perfect for your small Persian cat
  15. Petya- Russian for stone, fits a very stubborn cat
  16. Pyshka- Perfect for an independent cat
  17. Raven– Your wise dark cat
  18. Razluka- The quiet one
  19. Rifma- The cat of your dreams.
  20. Roksana- A bright star
  21. Sashenka- Your frontline soldier
  22. Sezja- The guardian of the galaxy
  23. Shurik- Your feline is your defender.
  24. Spyridon- Your cat who always sleeps in your bed
  25. Vadim- If your Siberian fur-baby is to blame for all the mess in the house
  26. Vanya- A gift from God
  27. Vanya- Because your feline is faithful
  28. Varfolomei- Because you and your cat live in the countryside
  29. Wiley- Suits your cunning Siberian cat
  30. Zakhar- If your feline is a symbol of God’s manifestation


You must have gotten a name by now for your beautiful Siberian feline.  If not, check out other cat name ideas below.

And if you have a Siberian cat whose name we haven’t included in our list, don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments section below.

Also Read:

Best Cat Food For Siberian Cats

Siberian Cat Colors And Coat Patterns: Pointed, Bicolored, Smoke

Agnes is a freelance writer with big love for all fluffy creatures, especially her Maine Coon cat. She's written over 200 articles about animal care, ranging from how to raise kittens to the healthiest pet snacks on the market
  1. Gleb


    • Agnes Kanyi

      Thanks Gleb...I agree, Gleb is another perfect Siberian cat name meaning a favorite of the Gods

  2. Aleah

    hi can you do Aleah meaning ascend toward god

    • Agnes Kanyi

      Hi Aleah. Thanks for your comment. Yes, Aleah is a wonderful name that you can give to your female kitty meaning ascend towards God or someone who is raised from God. We love it!

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