The Ultimate Persian Cat Grooming Guide

Cat Health Cat Tips February 9, 2025


The Ultimate Persian Cat Grooming Guide

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Your Persian cat signature coat is undoubtedly stunning, but it also needs some care and maintenance to remain beautiful.  And although cats are known to be self-groomers, the Persian cat, due to its long super fluffy coat, requires frequent brushing and grooming from you.

Regular Persian cat grooming also helps reduce allergic reactions among your family members and also prevents your feline’s coat from matting.

So, how do you care for a Persian cat’s coat? Here is a detailed guide on how to keep your Persian beauty looking all glam.

Brushing Your Persian Cat’s Hair

persian cat grooming guide

Brushing and combing your Persian cat’s hair is a vital grooming routine. Brushing your kitty’s hair prevents it from matting and knotting up, and it’s also a perfect bonding activity between the two of you. Mats that are left for too long can also cause infections to your cat’s skin.

Use a wide metal comb to brush your cat’s hair. Plastic combs should be avoided as they create static that can shock your feline. Using gentle strokes, brush your cat’s hair from the back of the head to the tail.

When brushing, pay special attention to areas where mats are likely to form, such as behind the ears, around the legs, and rump and under the armpits. If you come across mats, don’t pull them out as this can be painful to your cat and can also pull your cat’s hair out. Instead, break the mat apart with your fingers, or use a matt breaker.

Aim to brush your cat’s coat at least three times a week, as regular brushing reduces the number of mats in your cat’s fur.

Trim The Nails

Trim your Persian cat’s nails before a bath. Use cat nail trimmers to cut the nails, and be careful not to cut them too short.  If you cut the nails too deep and there is bleeding, apply some styptic powder to stop the bleeding.

Nail trimming may not be very comfortable for your cat, so gently press and massage their paws before trimming to make your cat comfortable. Trimming your cat’s nails protects them from broken, painful claws and also keeps you safe from your feline’s scratching during a bath.

Bathing Your Cat

Once you have detangled your cat’s fur and trimmed its nails, you’re now ready for bath time. Indoor Persian cats should be bathed at least once or twice a month.  But if your cat loves to play outdoors, you might need to clean her more frequently.  How often you bathe your Persian cat will also depend on the dirt on their coat.  A dirty Persian coat will appear greasy and may have lots of mats.

Start by putting cotton balls in the cat’s ears to minimize the amount of water entering their ears during the bath. Too much water in your feline’s ears can result in an ear infection.

Next, put lukewarm water in a large plastic bowl. Gently wet your cat’s fur with the water by pouring the water on the coat with a cup before you submerge their body in the water. Persian cats don’t like water, and your cat may put up a fight at this point. However, don’t give up, as your feline will become calmer as they get used to the water. We recommend introducing your cat to water and the bathing routine from an early age as it helps keep your cat calm during bath time.

Once the cat’s fur is soaked, lather up the coat with a cat shampoo, being careful not to get the shampoo in your feline face. You can also mix up the water with the cat shampoo and pour the soapy mixture on your cat’s body. Make sure you use cat shampoo while bathing your Persian furball. Using regular shampoo or soap isn’t recommended as it can hurt your cat’s sensitive skin.  You can also add anti-parasitic shampoo to their bathwater, especially during summer, to protect your kitty from parasites such as fleas.

Remember to wipe your cat’s face with a clean cloth and in case of any tear buildups in their eyes, remove them gently with a toothbrush.


The next step in the grooming routine is giving your cat a thorough rinse.

Replace the bathwater in your bowl with warm, clean water. Give your cat a thorough rinse. You may have to give your cat more than one rinse depending on the thickness of your cat’s coat.

You can also use a conditioner at this point if you feel that your cat’s fur needs it. Conditioning is important as it helps hydrate your Persian cat’s coat, keeps the hair knot and tangle-free, and also softens and moisturizes your feline’s skin. Again remember to use a cat conditioner as human conditioners may have chemicals that can harm your cat’s skin.

Dry Your Cat

Once your cat is well rinsed, including the underside, remove the earbuds and check inside your cat’s ears. If you notice dirt or too much wax, use a cat ear cleaner and a warm cotton wool ball to clean the ears.

Now that your cat is clean, it’s time to get rid of all that water on your cat’s coat. Use a dry towel to drain the water from your cat’s fur. Depending on the thickness of your Persian coat, you might need two or more towels.

Don’t rub the towel on the cat’s fur. Instead, wrap the towel on your cat’s body and rub your hands in up and down movements over the towel. This ensures the cat’s hair doesn’t end up having knots.

Finish the drying process with a hand dryer if your cat isn’t scared of the noise. Ensure the dryer is set on a medium setting, and don’t aim the dryer on one spot for too long as this can burn your cat.  After drying your Persian cat, brush their coat to remove any excess fur and to keep their coat looking beautiful.

Final Thoughts

In closing, Persian cats are stunning. Besides, they make great family pets as they are loveable, easygoing, sweet cuties that love to cuddle. To keep these cuties’ fur looking healthy and shiny, you must groom them once in a while.  Hopefully, now you know how best to groom your Persian feline.


How many times should a Persian cat take a bath?

An indoor Persian cat should take a bath at least once a month. However, a Persian cat who loves being outdoors can take more frequent baths, especially if its coat appears oily and dirty.

How do you bathe a Persian cat?

Fill up a bowl with warm water and add cat shampoo to the water. Place cotton balls in your cat’s ears to ensure water doesn’t get into their ear canals. Gently start by wetting your cat’s fur with soapy water before gently soaking them in the water. Once the fur is clean, rinse them in warm, clean water. You can give your cat several rinses depending on the amount of shampoo used and the thickness of the coat.

How do you groom a Persian cat at home?

A Persian cat grooming starts with brushing their long beautiful hair. The hair should be brushed daily or thrice a week to prevent mating. You should also give your Persian cat a bath and a good rinse at least once every four weeks. Don’t forget to clip their nails before the bath and clean their face and ears during the bath.

How do you dry a Persian cat after a bath?

Use a towel to pat dry your cat’s coat after a bath. You may need to use two or more towels if your Persian cat’s fur is too thick. To get your cat completely dry, use a hairdryer, ensuring that it isn’t too hot. If your Persian cat can’t stand the noise from a hairdryer, wrap them in more dry towels until their hair is completely dry.

Agnes is a freelance writer with big love for all fluffy creatures, especially her Maine Coon cat. She's written over 200 articles about animal care, ranging from how to raise kittens to the healthiest pet snacks on the market
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