175+ Most Popular Italian Cat Names

Cat Names March 14, 2025
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175+ Most Popular Italian Cat Names

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You don’t have to scratch your hair out in order to come up with a perfect name for your cat; all you need is just to relax and let your creativity bring out the name.

Being a home of more than 63 million people, Italy and its arts, architecture, food, music, practices, and Roman Empire still remains an attraction to many.

The Italian culture is alive and well. Whether you are a lover of the culture or simply want to look for an interesting name, you can refer to any of the 100 great Italian cat names we suggested down below.

100 Cute And Adorable Italian Cat Names

  1. Essatto – a cat name that describes perfectly the appearance and trait of your cat
  2. Tenero – a great name for a young cat
  3. Aldo – a name given to old cats
  4. Pelo – for cats that are hairy
  5. Augusto – for cats that are famous and great in the neighborhood
  6. Lucia – for cats that are bright and light
  7. Quorra – for cats that are beautiful and good-hearted
  8. Calisto – female cat name describing cats that are excellently beautiful
  9. Alda – for cats that you want them to live long
  10. Bambi – for cats that are very young; great name for kittens
  11. Amara – for cats that you want to be with them forever
  12. Alba – for cats that were got at dawn
  13. Ammiro – for cats that are admired by every person who sees them
  14. Angelina – for cats that are tiny and young; a beautiful name to give your kitten
  15. Florentina – for beautiful and pretty cats
  16. Donatella – for beautiful cats that are great in every activity; they are superstars
  17. Torta – a cat name that reminds you of this Italian cake
  18. Adrina – a cat that rekindles some aspects of happiness in you or they are always happy, playful and active
  19. Rocco – for cats that are basically lazy and love resting
  20. Dominico – a cat name that reminds you that the cat belongs to the lord of the house
  21. Benito – for cats that reminds you how blessed you are
  22. Horace – for cats that are always timely in their waking up, eating and sleeping
  23. Anatolio – a cat that is bright, shiny, beautiful and are early risers
  24. Ruggiero – for cats that are great warriors
  25. Pazzo – for cats that are just crazy
  26. Allessandro – for cats that defended your child from that snake bite by killing the snake
  27. Mattone – for cats that are very sturdy and firm
  28. Leo – for cats that are brave, bold, and strong
  29. Draco – for cats that are red haired; a great name that reminds you of the existence of dragon
  30. Bacio – a cat name that reminds you of the first kiss you got
  31. Mario – a cat name after Sailot
  32. Albrto – a cat that is brightly haired
  33. Cosmo – for cats that are orderly in their activities
  34. Fabian – a great cat name for a farmer that grows beans
  35. Caldo – for peaceful and calm cats
  36. Pigro – for very lazy cats
  37. Prato – a cat name after this town in Italy
  38. Todi – for powerful and strong cats
  39. Retto – for cats that are very honest and faithful
  40. Coro – for cats that produce very great sound as if they should join a choir
  41. Caramella – for candy lovers
  42. Lento – for cats that do their things slowly from waking up to walking
  43. Picante – for cats that love food that spicy or flavored
  44. Marrone – for cats that are brownish
  45. Occhi – for cats that are big-eyed
  46. Cretino – for cats that have very extreme foolish character
  47. Divino – a cat name that reminds you of divinity
  48. Abriana – for cats that are very active and vibrant
  49. Kathalina – for cats that are very clean and pure
  50. Dolce – a cat name given to refer to sweet cats that have great character
  51. Annmarie – a female cat name that reminds you of your girlfriend, mom, child or wife called Mary
  52. Enrico – for a cat that domineers or rules in the house compared to other cats
  53. Nardo – a cat name that reminds you of that small village in Italy that you came from or you got your cat from
  54. Luigi – for cats that are great in war and fights
  55. Badare – a cat name referring to a cat that is very meaningful in your house
  56. Giovanni – a cat name that reminds you that God is gracious
  57. Stefano – for cats that are very funny
  58. Salvatore – for cats that saved your child from poisonous cobra that had come in the house
  59. Horace – for cats that are very time conscious and very punctual in their waking up, sleeping and eating
  60. Adolf – for cats that are majestic but have bad character
  61. Volpe – for cats that resemble a fox
  62. Zola – a cat name after the ball of earth
  63. Camilla – for cats that have excellent character
  64. Evangelina – for cats that brought some good news into your home
  65. Valentina – for cats that are very vigorous and active
  66. Pia – a great name for very naughty cats
  67. Farfalle – for playful and very beautiful cats
  68. Uffa – for a cat that always brings a sigh of distress to you because of their bad character
  69. Italia – for those who love Italy
  70. Olympia – a cat name from Olympus
  71. Stella – for cats that are great in almost everything
  72. Carlotta – for strong and energetic cats
  73. Aurelia – for cats that are golden coated
  74. Bianca – for white furred cats
  75. Ottavia – a cat name that reminds you the date you were born, on eighth
  76. Prima – a cat name referring to a firstborn either of your children or cat
  77. Amara – for cats that would want them in your house everlasting
  78. Alessandro – a cat that is a great protector and defender in your house
  79. Bella – for beautiful and pretty cats
  80. Toro – a male cat name for strong, furious, and serious cats
  81. Alto – for cats that are basically taller than their colleagues
  82. Leona – for brave and strong cats
  83. Baffi – for cats that have some extended fur or hair on their chin forming a mustache-like thing
  84. Antonio – cats that have done extremely great things that are beyond praise
  85. Corrado – for brave and bold cats
  86. Donatello – for cats that were given as a present to you
  87. Ernesto – for cats that are always serious
  88. Ettore – for a cat that is very loyal despite the circumstances in your home, he or she doesn’t run away
  89. Roberto – for cats that are very famous
  90. Romano – a cat got from Rome
  91. Tito – for giant-big cats
  92. Anita – for gracious cats
  93. Cira –for brightly shinning cats
  94. Cadenza – for cats that produces rhythmic sounds
  95. Carmela – for cats got from the garden
  96. Rachele – for young cats that are innocent, playful and very pretty
  97. Renata – a cat name that reminds you of a new beginning in your life
  98. Rosalie – for cats that are very beautiful
  99. Pietra – for cats that are firm and hardy
  100. Gemma – for those cats that are very precious, expensive and attractive

Italian Male Cat Names

    1. Adamo– Suits a red-haired cat
    2. Adolfo– Meaning majestic wolf
    3. Aceto– Means vinegar suits a cat that spices your boring life
    4. Alfredo– Refers to a counselor of elves suits an intelligent cat
    5. Alphons– Meaning noble and ready
    6. Amadeus– Inspired by the famous Australian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the name means lover of God
    7. Alberto– Of noble bearing
    8. Aristoteles– Reminds you of the famous Philosopher
    9. Arturo-Meaning bear for a caring cat
    10. Attila– Meaning little father
    11. Barone – Suits a courageous cat
    12. Bimbo– A lovely name for your kitten
    13. Callisto– Perfect for a handsome cat
    14. Dante– Meaning enduring
    15. Elmo– Meaning helmet suits a guard cat
    16. Edoardo– Meaning rich guardian
    17. Filippo– For a cat who loves to play with horses
    18. Flavio– Ideal for a cat with golden colored hair
    19. Freccia– Meaning arrow like your swift and powerful cat
    20. Galileo– After the famous Italian physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei
    21. Gavino– Refers to a white hawk, suits a swift and powerful white cat
    22. Lupo– Meaning wolf, suits a fierce cat
    23. Pablo– Suits a petite cat
    24. Quasimodo– After Italian poet Salvatore Quasimodo
    25. Riccardo-Meaning powerful ruler
    26. Ruvido – For a tough cat
    27. Salice– Meaning willow, suits a strong cat
    28. Saturnino-Meaning little Saturn
    29. Silvestro– Meaning of the woods
    30. Sonno– Meaning sleep suits a cat who likes to lie on the couch all day
    31. Stregatto-Suits a mischievous cat
    32. Tazio– Meaning king for a cat who rules your house
    33. Ugo– Meaning bright in mind and spirit
    34. Valerio-For a strong and brave feline
    35. Vincenzo– Meaning conquering for a triumphant cat
    36. Vitale– Meaning life, suits a healthy cat who’s full of life
    37. Vito– Suits a victorious cat
    38. Zitto– Suits a quiet and silent cat

Italian Female Cat Names

  1. Adelasia– For a cat who’s your best friend
  2. Alba– Refers to sunrise for an energetic cat
  3. Albina– Suits a cat with a white coat
  4. Alda– Suits an intelligent cat who rules your home
  5. Allegria– For a joyous cat
  6. Benedetta– For a cat who reminds you of your blessings
  7. Bertina– Meaning God is my oath
  8. Callisto– For the most beautiful cat in your home
  9. Capricia– Suits a playful kitten
  10. Carla– For a brave and strong feline
  11. Chiara– Meaning bright light suits a cat with a shiny coat
  12. Consolata – For a cat who gives you comfort
  13. Cosima– Ideal for an old cat
  14. Delfina– Refers to a woman from Delphi
  15. Desideria– Meaning the desired one
  16. Eleonora– Meaning shining light for a beautiful cat
  17. Elisabetta– One who reminds you of God of plenty
  18. Elnora– Meaning light
  19. Eliosa – Suits a healthy and youthful cat
  20. Emiliana– Meaning rival for a cat who welcomes any form of challenge
  21. Felicita– For a cat who gives you happiness
  22. Fernanda– Suits an adventurous cat
  23. Fiorella-Meaning little flower for a beautiful and gentle kitten
  24. Geltrude– Suits a strong and powerful cat
  25. Genevra– For a beautiful cat with white fur
  26. Giachetta– Suits a mischievous and cunning cat
  27. Giorgia-Meaning farmer for a determined and industrious pussy
  28. Imelda– Refers to warrior woman like your brave kitty
  29. Ines– Perfect for your innocent and pure cat
  30. Lauretta– Suits a victorious cat
  31. Leonora– Meaning light
  32. Nicola– Meaning victory of the people
  33. Paloma-Meaning white dove suits a peaceful cat
  34. Paola– Ideal for a little kitten
  35. Serena– Suits a peaceful and quiet cat
  36. Teodora– Refers to a gift from God
  37. Trilby– For your feline who enjoys listening to music
  38. Valeria– Suits a strong and brave cat
  39. Ysabel– For a devoted cat

Need More Ideas?

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Kate Barrington holds a Bachelor’s degree in English and is the published author of several self-help books and nutrition guides. Also an avid dog lover and adoring owner of three cats, Kate’s love for animals has led her to a successful career as a freelance writer specializing in pet care and nutrition. Kate is also a blogger for a number of organic and natural food companies as well as a columnist for several pet magazines.
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