175+ Awesome Irish Cat Names

Cat Names March 11, 2025
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175+ Awesome Irish Cat Names

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If you have got a great companion in your family, you have just taken a very great step in chasing away loneliness in your house. However, to make sure this pet is truly yours, you need to give your furry friend a great name that describes him or her perfectly.

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Why Irish Cat Names Are So Popular

The Irish culture is a bit interesting but not so much different from what most Western countries have.

Nevertheless, Ireland has a custom of being very friendly with people shaking hands when they meet and well-mannered where they use words like thank you and please.

Associated with this culture are saints and scholars.

Whether it’s your love for the Irish accent or interested in finding a cool name, the following list of 100 great Irish cat names will help you find the right inspiration.

  1. Cacia – for cats that are very active and vigilant
  2. Fionn – a male cat name for handsome cats
  3. Berkely – a cat name after Birch tree meadow
  4. Kagen – a cat that is very creative and a great thinker
  5. Murphy – a cat that was got from and a great warrior
  6. Conan – a great name for kittens and small cats
  7. Cillian – for cats that are always bitter
  8. Colla – a cat name for old adult cats
  9. Carney – for cats are victorious in various activities
  10. Aidan – for cats little cats that are very active
  11. Donovan – a male cat name for dark-furred kittens
  12. Gallagher – a cat that is helpful or crucial in your home
  13. Finley – a male cat name referring to a hero
  14. Doyle – a cat name for a black cat that is not used to your homes
  15. Finnegan – for white cats
  16. Rory – for cats that are fiery and very domineering
  17. Quinn – for cats that are very wise
  18. Darcy – a great name for black-haired cats
  19. Niall – a cat name meaning victor
  20. Finn – for young cats that are great fighters
  21. Cormac – for cats that reminds you of your son
  22. Liam – for cats that are very brave and great warriors
  23. Rhys – a male cat name meaning adoration
  24. Kira – for cats that are dark
  25. Oral – a female cat name referring to those cats that are pretty and beautiful
  26. Rosalyn – female cat name for beautiful cats
  27. Lia – for cats that brought some good news to you
  28. Meara – a cat name that reminds you of the merry moment you had when you got the cat
  29. Glenda – for those cats that are clean and righteous
  30. Sybil – a cat name that reminds you of that fortune teller
  31. Lona – for those cats that are very precious, beautiful and expensive
  32. Deirdre – a female cat name referring to a woman
  33. Muriel – for bright cats
  34. Sheena – a cat name that every day reminds you of the Grace of God
  35. Erin – a cat that was got from a prosperous and a land of abundance
  36. Brigid – a cat that is much disciplined and very virtuous
  37. Shanna – a cat that is wiser than his or her peers
  38. Breana – for cats that are honorable
  39. Cadie – for cats that produces melodious sounds
  40. Siobhan – a cat name that remind you of the Grace of God
  41. Sinead – a great name to remind you that you are forgiven
  42. Saoirse – a cat name that reminds of the freedom
  43. Liffy – a cat name after the river that flows through Dublin
  44. Cashel – a cat name after Rock of Cashel
  45. Dublin – a cat name after the capital city of Ireland
  46. Cork – after this famous city in Ireland
  47. Limerick – for old cats after the ancient Irish city
  48. Belfast – a cat name after this largest city in Northern Ireland
  49. Galway – a cat name after this city in West Ireland
  50. Guinness – for those who love this famous beer in the world
  51. Jameson – for the lovers of Jameson Irish whiskey
  52. Celt – for a cat that came from Celt
  53. Gael – for cats that have their origin from Irish
  54. Leprechaun – for a cat that has a character that resembles this character in Irish history
  55. Shamrock – a great name of a cat representing the national symbol of Ireland
  56. Bailey – for those who love Irish cream
  57. Macushla – a great name for a very darling cat to you
  58. Mave – a female cat name for a cat that was got in the season of joy
  59. Keely – for cats that are beautiful
  60. Elly – for cats that are very bright and have big eyes like a torch
  61. Coamh – for cats that are easily lovable
  62. Gorman – for cats that are blue-eyed or name given to cats whose owner’s favorite color is blue
  63. Glasnevin – a cat name after the neighbor of Dublin
  64. Ambros – a cat that has some outstanding character in nature
  65. Aodhfin – a great cat name for white cats
  66. Breann – for strong and powerful cats
  67. Alaine – for female cats that are very beautiful
  68. Islen – for cats that have very sharp and acute vision
  69. Padraigin – for noble cats
  70. Quinn – for cats that are very intelligent
  71. Raegan –for impulsive cats
  72. Ranalt – for cat that are very charming harming
  73. Ena –a cat name representing fireire
  74. Teagan – for beautiful cats
  75. Fallon – for cats that are great in being in-charge
  76. Pierve – for hardy cats
  77. Eimhin – for cats that are very swift in their activities
  78. Buckley – a male cat name referring to young cats
  79. Ualtar – for cats that are great fighters
  80. Sheridan – for cats that behave wildly
  81. Morgan – a cat that was got around the sea region and is a great fighter
  82. Mal – a cat name meant to honor it as a chief in your home
  83. Lugh – a cat that is excellent in war
  84. Ceallach – a cat that you got or rescued them from the strife
  85. Anntoin – a great name for cats that don’t carry themselves modestly
  86. Aoibheann – for cats that are fair in their capabilities and appearances
  87. Ammery – for cats that are relatively large
  88. Allana – a great name for a kitten who is like a child to you
  89. Etain – for cats that are very jealous
  90. Erin – a cat name after Ireland
  91. Eavan – for cats that are innocent and playful
  92. Murine – for cats that are a beloved to you
  93. Colleem – a female cat name for young cats
  94. Meara – a cat that is always happy and merry
  95. Mairea – cats that are very precious and beautiful to you
  96. Hiolair – a cat that is happy always
  97. Gormly – a cat that is always gloomy and sad
  98. Kelsey – a cat that is brave and bold
  99. Gobinet – a cat that brought joy to you and your family
  100. Rafferty – a great name for cats that prosperous in everything

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Irish Male Cat Names

  1. Aengus– God of love and youth, suits a strong cat
  2. Carraig– For a cat who is as steadfast as a rock
  3. Colm– Meaning dove for a peaceful cat
  4. Dagda– God of wisdom and agriculture
  5. Eames– Meaning protector, suits a cat who guards you always
  6. Dagda– Irish god of life and death
  7. Damon– Meaning tame, suits a cat who learns new tricks easily
  8. Dempsey– For a cat you’re proud of
  9. Eamon– Meaning guardian of the riches
  10. Eoin– Refers to God’s gift
  11. Fergus– For an energetic cat
  12. Flannery– Ideal for a red-haired cat
  13. Giolladhe– Suits a cat with a golden coat
  14. Godfrey– Meaning peace from God for a gracious cat
  15. Guinness– After the popular Irish beer
  16. Haley– Ideal for an intelligent cat
  17. Hogan– For a youthful and energetic kitten
  18. Hurley– Refers to sea tide for a powerful cat
  19. Jameson– Inspired by famous Irish whiskey
  20. Kavan– Perfect name for a handsome cat
  21. Keenan– Meaning ancient for a conservative cat
  22. Kelly – Suits an intelligent cat with green eyes
  23. Kieran-Meaning little darkness for a dark-haired cat
  24. Kirby– Meaning from the church farm
  25. Lochlann– Home of the Norse
  26. Mannuss– Meaning great
  27. Nolyn– For a cat of noble bearing
  28. Odran– Suits a cat with a light green coat
  29. Pierce– Meaning rock for a strong and steadfast pussy
  30. Phelan– For a joyful feline
  31. Raghnall– Suits a cat with a strong personality
  32. Ronan– Refers to a little seal
  33. Sean– Meaning grace of God
  34. Shamrock– Young spring of clover and a symbol of Ireland
  35. Shane– Meaning God’s gracious gift
  36. Tierney– For a cat who is the master of the house
  37. Tyrell– The Norse god of battle
  38. Quigley-Ideal for a cat with shaggy hair

Irish Female Cat Names

  1. Ahana– Meaning from the little ford
  2. Alaina– For a beautiful cat
  3. Alison– Suits a trustworthy cat
  4. Alona– For a kitten who is dear to you
  5. Annaduff– Refers to one from the black mash
  6. Assana– For a cat who is full of energy like a waterfall
  7. Augusteen– For your majestic cat
  8. Ballyclare– Inspired by the town in County Antrim
  9. Blair– Meaning from the fields suits an adventurous cat
  10. Boan– Irish goddess of river Boyne
  11. Branduff– Refers to the black raven
  12. Bree– Suits a strong cat
  13. Caffara– Refers to helmet, suits a cat who is protective of you
  14. Cessair– The first Irish Mythological leader
  15. Ciara-For a dark-haired cat
  16. Darcelle – Lovely name for a dark-haired cat
  17. Duvessa– Ideal name for a beautiful black cat
  18. Islene– Meaning vision suits a cat with admirable senses
  19. Iona– Refers to the purple jewel
  20. Kerry– Refers to a dark princess
  21. Maeve– Irish goddess of song
  22. Mairead– Refers to pearl for a beautiful and precious kitten
  23. Marilla– Means renowned warrior
  24. Maude-Refers to might battle maiden
  25. Moira– Means bitter for a stubborn cat
  26. Moreen– Means great
  27. Morrígan– Goddess of fate and doom
  28. Neala– For a victorious cat
  29. Nell – Refers to shining light
  30. Noreena– Suits a cat full of honor
  31. Oona– Refers to lamb for an innocent cat
  32. Orla– Refers to a golden princess
  33. Puca– After mythical little creatures who bring good or bad luck
  34. Ranait-Means little prosperous one
  35. Riley– Suits a courageous cat
  36. Slany– For a cat full of good health
  37. Vevila– Meaning harmony
  38. Winnie– For a cat who’s a blessing in your life

Final Thoughts

After you have chosen its right name keep saying it whenever you are feeding him or her, cuddling, praising or cleaning them. Remember cats are independent, so when they don’t respond to the name at first don’t be discouraged, maybe it is just playing some hard-to-get. Always call them this name when they are doing the right thing, which means avoiding yelling at them when they are doing wrong things. Don’t alternate names or else you will confuse your furry friend.

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Kate Barrington holds a Bachelor’s degree in English and is the published author of several self-help books and nutrition guides. Also an avid dog lover and adoring owner of three cats, Kate’s love for animals has led her to a successful career as a freelance writer specializing in pet care and nutrition. Kate is also a blogger for a number of organic and natural food companies as well as a columnist for several pet magazines.
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