Your Feline’s Butt Pose Explained And More – 42 Little Known Cat Facts

Cat Fun March 11, 2025


Your Feline’s Butt Pose Explained And More – 42 Little Known Cat Facts

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Compared to other furry animals, cats are an enigma. For thousands of years their mysterious personalities and adorable looks have made them an incredibly popular pet, and have captured the hearts of people around the world.

With so many cats around us, surely that would mean that everyone knows everything possible about them, right? Wrong! There are so many interesting facts about cats that you probably haven’t heard of, from the world’s largest cat, to the surprising way they walk.

Here, we give you more reasons to keep loving your furball. Please have a look at our 42 interesting and fun facts about cats.

Keep reading to find out more amazing cat facts from everyday life.

1. Why your cat loves to roll on the floor?

You must have noticed that your cat flips and flops on the floor when he sees you and that is because:

  • He feels safe around you
  • He wants you to give him attention
  • He is marking the space by putting it with his scent

2. Your kitty’s butt pose is how he greets you

cat’s butt pose is a form of greeting

Are you curious as to why your feline is fond of shoving his raised tail or butt in your face?
Do not get offended that your cat is offering you a butt sniff because to him it is a form of giving you a kiss or a hug. Cats also do this to other cats as a way of greeting.

The good news, you don’t have to reciprocate by giving your cat’s butt a sniff since petting them on their back area is good enough.

3. Why do cats arch their backs?

cat arching her back

Cats arch their backs to stretch their muscles after a nap.

But arching can also happen when your cat feels threatened. In case of a threat, the arched back will also be accompanied by standing hair on your feline’s back and tail. This posture is also meant to scare away a threatening animal.

4. Cats rub against your legs for several reasons

Cats rub against your leg for several reasons

Cats will rub against your leg to greet you if they can’t reach your face. A cat also rubs against you to mark you with her scent. This behavior anoints you with the cat’s smell, and it’s a way for your feline to claim you as his own.

5. Why is it so hard for my cat to get down from a tree?

cats have a hard time climbing down a tree

Climbing up a tree is fun for most cats, but getting back down becomes tricky once they get to the top. If this sounds too familiar, you aren’t alone. Many cat parents have a hard time convincing their cats to come down a tree.
What makes it so difficult for your cat to come down a tree is his claws. Cat claws face backward, making it easy for them to climb up the tree but difficult to get back down.

In addition, the claws cannot support your cat’s weight when he is trying to back down a tree, which is why most cats will try to skid down or jump from the tree.

6. My cat will not eat the layer of food at the bottom of his bowl

cat won't eat the bottom layer of the food in the bowl

Most cats won’t eat the food at the edge of their bowls, especially if the bowl is too deep. This is because the bowl causes whisker stress.

Your cat’s whiskers are very sensitive, and when they bump against the side of a deep narrow bowl, the result is uncomfortable.

The solution is to feed your cat his food in a wider, shallow bowl or a flat plate.

7. My cat won’t come to me when I call

cats won't come when you call them

Your cat may recognize your voice when you call, but this doesn’t mean he will come running.
This behavior frustrates many cat parents, with most assuming that their cats are just plain rude and stubborn. But before you take it personally, understand that this behavior has nothing to do with you but with your kitty’s nature. Cats aren’t obligate social animals, which means that social contact isn’t necessary for them to thrive, unlike human beings.

It also means that your cat will not find it necessary to respond to your call if they have no interest in what you’re saying. Next time you call your cat, and he doesn’t respond, try giving him a little motivation by offering his favorite treat to encourage him to come to you.

8. Why cats play with their prey?

cats love playing with their prey

Cats like to play with their prey, which to us may seem like they enjoy torturing their victims. However, this is normal cat behavior. Cats are predators, and when they catch their prey, they will wear the prey out, making sure it’s safe to kill.

Your cat may also play with their prey just because they aren’t hungry. This usually happens with indoor cats, because their motive to chase and hunt may not be related to hunger.

9. What your cat’s ears are telling you?

what your cat's ears are telling you

Cats use their ears to communicate. To get an idea of what your kitty is trying to say with those ears, here are a few ideas:

  • When the ears are facing forward and slightly leaning down to the side, your cat is very relaxed.
  • If the ears are up and facing forward, she is very alert and may be ready to pounce onto something
  • When the ears are back and slightly raised, the cat feels threatened and may be ready to run away
  • If his ears are flat and pinned back, your cat may be angry or frightened
  • If her ears are twitching, your cat may be nervous or uncertain

10. What your cat’s eyes are saying?

what your cat's eyes are saying

If you want to know what your cat’s eyes are saying, look at the pupils:

  • Hard constricted and dilated pupils are a sign that your cat is aggressive
  • Half-closed eyes mean that your cat is comfortable and relaxed
  • If the eyes pupils keep darting around, your cat feels frightened and is looking for a way out
  • Wide eyes may mean your cat is alert, maybe because she feels threatened

11. What is your cat’s tail saying?

  • A lashing tail says that your cat is agitated
  • A slow-moving tail is a sign that your cat’s attention is focused on something
  • A tail that is up with a slight curve indicates that your cat is approaching something slowly
  • When your cat curves his tail around you, he is bonding with you
  • If your cat tucks their tail next or under their body, they are frightened or in pain

12. What does your cat’s meow mean?

Did you know that cats meow more to humans than they do to other cats?

A cat meow is his way of communicating to you, so its wise to listen to him. Different meows from your cat may mean different things which means you should learn what that is!

13. My cat won’t cover his poop

my cat won't cover its poop

All cats cover their poop because it’s a natural instinct. Cats will cover their waste to avoid attention from predators.

But sometimes, your innocent kitty will leave their poop uncovered and there is a reason.

The main reason why your cat may leave their poop uncovered is to claim the territory of a particular area. A cat who is competing with another one will also leave their waste exposed to show dominance.

14. Your cat covers their bowl of food to keep it safe from other felines

Your cat covers their bowl of food to keep it safe from other felines

Cats sometimes pretend to bury their food with shredded paper or a handkerchief because it’s instinctive cat behavior.

This strange behavior is referred to as catching, and cats also do it to save leftovers for later while also ensuring the food is safe from predators.

15. Cats are near-sighted

If you have ever noticed that your cat can’t focus on anything less than a foot in front of them, it’s because they are near-sighted.

Although felines are nearsighted, they will use their whiskers to feel what they can’t see, which means they don’t miss much.

16. Cats have an excellent sense of smell

Cats’ sense of smell is amazing and is 40 times better than that of humans.

Your cat relies primarily on their sense of smell over what they can see or taste, in order to figure out their environment. Your feline’s sense of smell is also their most reliable tool when it comes to hunting.

17. Your cat’s sense of taste isn’t so great

Unlike their sense of smell, your cat’s sense of taste isn’t as good. In fact, cats have only a few taste buds compared to humans with more than 9000 taste buds.
It’s believed that cats can’t taste sweetness. The good news is that their impressive sense of smell makes up for their poor taste.

18. Cats have a blind spot under their chins

cats have a blind spot under their chin

A cat’s vision is powerful, but you may notice that your beloved can’t seem to see objects directly under his nose or chin. This is because your furry friend has a blind spot under his chin.

The good news is that his sense of smell is so good that he rarely misses anything, even when it’s right under his nose.

19. Your cat grooms you because…

reasons why your cat grooms you
  • He wants to show affection
  • He is marking you to let other animals know that you belong to them
  • He tastes something interesting on your skin
  • He wants your attention
  • It may be a coping mechanism for anxiety or stress

20. Some cats loves plastic bags

cats love plastic bags

It’s strange that some cats are fascinated by plastic bags.
While some love to play with them, others want to lick them. The reasons cats love plastic bags so much may be for the following reasons:

  • Plastic bags make crunchy noises that are similar to prey scurrying through grass or leaves, which is enticing to cats
  • A plastic bag may have absorbed the tantalizing smell of your cat’s favorite food, and they just have to taste it
  • Some plastic shopping bags are made of corn starch biodegradable materials, which some cats may like
  • Plastic bags provide physical and mental stimulation for bored cats

*Plastic bags can also be a choking hazard for your cat, so giving them toys or treats is a better option.

21. Why do cats loves to eat grass

Your cat maybe seen eating grass in order to boosts his nutrients levels. Grass contains folic acid, a nutrient that helps move oxygen from your cat’s body to their bloodstream.

Cats also enjoy nipping on grass because they find the texture and taste pleasing. Other experts believe that eating grass helps ease your kitty’s digestion. Cats also eat grass to induce vomiting to clear out indigestible remains from their stomach such as feathers and fur.

22. Why do some cats sneer

why does my cat sneer

The sneer in your cat’s face often occurs when your cat smells something. This weird face is also called the flehmen response.

Your cat shows this grimace when he is analyzing a particular scent. He uses it to analyze pheromones from other felines or for investigating any other smells in the area.

23. Why does your cat wink?

Why does your cat wink?

The cat wink is also called a cat kiss. The slow eye blink is a simple way of your cat telling you that he trusts you. The wink is a non-threat signal telling you that your cat is comfortable with you. It is similar to a kiss or hug.

If you want your furbaby to know that you trust him too, give him the same slow eye-blink, and you’ll notice that he will most likely wink back.

24. Why do cats knead?

why do cats knead

Cat kneading often referred to as “making biscuits,”  and is characterized by your cat pushing their claws in and out on a soft surface, such as a pillow or blanket. It almost looks like your cat is kneading dough or making biscuits.

Kneading is an instinctive cat behavior that they inherit during kitten-hood. Kittens do it to encourage milk flow from their mother’s teats

Adult cats knead when:

  • They feel happy, safe, and comfortable
  • They are marking their territory
  • Female cats also knead when they are on heat

25. What is your cat saying when he rolls onto his back?

If your cat often rolls on his back, exposing his belly or private areas, he is trying to tell you, “I feel secure with you, and I trust you.”

Your cat may also roll on his back to seek your attention, especially if it happens as you get ready to leave. But if the rolling happens after you give your cat catnip, it probably has incited a strong sexual reaction from your kitty.

26. What does it mean when your cat hisses?

A hiss from your feline means back off ! He is probably feels threatened, and depending on the situation, your cat may fight or run and hide.

Cat owners can also use the hiss to let their kitty know that they need to stop an unpleasant behavior.

27. Why your cat yowls

cat jowling

The yowl goes like WoOOOOwwoooOOOOoowwwwooOOOoow, and it’s more aggressive than a hiss.

Your cat makes this sound when he feels threatened and is ready to fight. If you try to touch him during this action, he will definitely scratch you.

A yowl may also be an indication of emotional or physical discomfort. For example, your cat may yowl when they are about to vomit a hairball.

28. Cat whiskers

Cat whiskers

Your cat’s whiskers are their sensory tool, but you can also use them to read your his emotions.

  • When whiskers are rigid and pulled around your cats face, your cat feels threatened
  • When the whiskers are relaxed and back, it shows your cat is happy and content
  • When the whiskers are pushed forward, your cat may be interested or curious about something

29. Why your cat purrs?

why do cats purr

Purring is a sign that your cat is content. However, purring may also indicate that your cat is in pain and needs your care. It may also be his way of saying, “please don’t stop what you’re doing,” especially if he purrs when you’re gently petting him.

The difference between a content purr and a pain purr is that the latter is deep and husky.

30. What is cat chirping?

A cat’s chirp is almost like a purr, but it’s shorter. It’s the sound, ‘prrt, prrt,’ and cats do it when they greet other cats they are familiar with.

Your cat will also chirp when she is responding to your voice. A cat may also chirp when they are frustrated after seeing prey that is out of their reach.

31. How do cats survive high falls?

how do cats survive high falls

Cats have an incredible balancing system called the righting reflex. They can turn themselves during a fall so that they can land safely on their feet.

But the height of the fall will affect the cat’s ability to land on their feet. The higher the fall, the more likely the cat has a chance to right themselves and land on all fours.

32. Cats can jump as high as six times their length

As a cat owner, you must know by now that your kitty has a fantastic ability to leap over tables and chairs. Your cat will jump onto shelves and cabinets.

An average cat can jump six times their height, which is about 8 feet.

When they are about to jump, your cats’ powerful back legs will propel them in the air allowing their bodies to gain significant height.

33. Why do cats sleep so much?

Why do cats sleep so much?

Did you know that cats spend 70% of their lifetime sleeping? A cat can sleep for 16 to 18 hours a day, but most of this sleeping is catnapping.

When your cat is napping, which is ¾ of the time when they are asleep, they are still alert and their eyes maybe slightly open.

Your cat sleeps so much to conserve their energy to hunt for their next kill. Even if domesticated may not need to hunt, their instinct to sleep remains.

34. Why are cat’s tongues so rough?

why is a cats tongue rough

When your cat licks you, you may notice that their tongue is not as soft as it looks. Actually, it’s rather scratchy and rough and will often feel like sandpaper when your feline drags it on your skin.

A cat’s tongue is rough because it has small spines running along it. These spines or papillae are helpful in the following ways:

  • They are perfect for rasping meat from bone
  • They make the perfect hairbrush
  • They are responsible for the ingenious way cats drink water
  • The tongue is transformed into an air conditioner that cools off your feline’s body when she licks her fur

35. My cat doesn’t like a bathtub full of water

We all know most cats hate water!

Most cats have no issue with drinking water, but they can’t stand it when it comes to water getting too close to their fur. One reason cats hate being wet is because it weighs them down and makes them feel like a wet blanket.

Another reason why cats don’t like water is that with their excellent scent abilities, a cat can probably smell the chemicals in the water, and they don’t want that stuff on their luxurious fur. Also most cats feel out of control when they are submerged in bath water.

36. Why do cats love small spaces?

cats love small spaces

Cats love to squeeze into small spaces. You will often find your beloved kitty hiding in a small cabinet, a box, or even in a small shopping bag. But why would your cat find comfort in such a small enclosed space?

Here are a few reasons why:

  • Cats feel comfortable, yet safe in small places
  • Because of instinct your cat likes to hide from unknown predators in small spots
  • Cats have a need for warmth, and small spaces preserve a cats body heat

Did You Also Know?

Here are some other interesting facts about cats that are little known!

37. A cat named Stubbs was town mayor for 20 years

Stubbs was an orange tabby cat that became an uncontested mayor for 20 years of Talkeetna town in Alaska.

Stubbs was a favorite among locals and tourists in the small town.

38. Domestic cats share 95.6% of his DNA with tigers

According to a 2013 study, researchers discovered that domesticated cats shared 95.6% of their DNA with tigers.

Some of their common behaviors include; urine marking, scent, and prey pouncing, and stalking.

39. The oldest cat in the world live to be 38 years old

Crème Puff is the oldest cat to have ever lived. She was born on August 3rd, 1967, and she lived for 38 years and 3 days.

Crème Puff’s owner, Jake Perry was also the owner of the previous oldest cat record holder, Grandpa Rex Allen, who died at 34.

Jake Perry seems to have a secret under her sleeve when it comes to keeping cats alive.

40. Your cat can make more than 100 different sounds

From the meowing to the yelping, your furry friend can make more than 100 sounds while your dog can only make ten.

Scientists have sought to understand how cats make most of these sounds, but some, like the purr, are still a mystery.

41. Felicette was the first cat to land in space

A French cat named Felicette was the first to be blasted into outer space. She had electrodes implanted in her brains that sent signals back to the scientists on earth.

The good news is that Felicette survived the space trip.

42. Cats really do not have 9 lives

The saying that cats have nine lives isn’t really true. It is believed that the saying started because cats’ have an incredible ability to cheat death often. This is due to thier lightning-fast reflexes, ability to always land on their feet, and their remarkable agility.

Always be a cautious cat owner because in reality she only has one life to live.

Final Thoughts

There is our list of 42 fun facts about your loveable kitty.

If you enjoyed this article please share it with other cat lovers! If you have an interesting cat fact we have not mentioned, please let us know in the comments below!

Amy Brown is a Certified NAVC Pet Nutritionist and pet lover. She is the proud owner of two cats and a dog and her love for animals has led her to a successful career as a freelance writer specializing in pet care, nutrition, and product reviews.
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